ProStart is a competitive culinary team. Member Annalyse Walton, a senior, the leader of Culinary club. She said she began cooking to save herself from her parents’ “awful cooking.”
“I’ve always loved cooking,” Walton said. “I wanted to go to a cooking college …but I’ve always just kind of enjoyed cooking.” She has always had a passion for cooking, as she has been taking cooking classes since she was young. Dealing with stress is a complicated thing for anyone. Walton explains in food competitions she goes to now she had already gotten used to the stress when she was in Foods 1. With the cupcake wars that Foods 1 does, and needing to compete with classmates, the pressure had shaped her into getting used to what she experiences now in Culinary Club. There are a lot more things that Walton does that helps her prepare for competitions, such as the Small Plate Fundraiser which “helped her get used to working on a small surface.” A struggle that she deals with is when a table is too short causing an uncomfortable bend that she has to endure to cook food, which was a challenge that she had to overcome when cooking at the Small Plate Fundraiser. “Cooking is part of life, but also ProStart isn’t just about cooking. It’s not just about going into the cooking world. It’s about going into the professional world.” Because we all know that at one point in our lives we will have to cook, whether it’s eggs for one, or a 5 course meal, cooking is something that everyone should have a little bit of knowledge” Walton says