Hope Squad, what is it? “Hope Squad is a nationwide organization that focuses on mental health awareness inside of schools, high school primarily, but there are some in middle schools, and it’s just stationed across into our country,” said Conor Sain, an 11th-grade member.
It was November and getting pretty close to that special day when you eat and be grateful for things you have. Hope Squad has a tradition of themes “so every month we have a different theme that we try to follow, and we have an event that follows,” Sain said.
The November theme was turkey.
“November’s theme was gratitude for Thanksgiving. So we had a booth outside of the cafeteria, and when people would walk by, we just asked them to write something or two of what they were grateful for on a little feather, and then we collected them and we display them on a bulletin board outside of the guidance counseling office,” Sain said.
Hope Squad met up in Ms. Alli Andersen’s classroom during Titan Time and they came up and shared ideas about what they should do next – sometimes working as a whole class, large groups, and small groups.
“But we meet with the entire group of everyone in Hope Squad, and we just share some ideas in front of the entire club,” Sain said.
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