Evelyn Richart is a sophomore who’s determined to bridge the gap between those with hearing impairments and the rest of the student body. Using her unique experience as someone born with a hearing impairment, she’s bringing her knowledge of sign language to the Titans with the new ASL Club. The club announced at its first meeting on March 25
that it will begin meeting bi-weekly starting April 8 in order to teach students the basics of ASL and the history of the deaf community.
What prompted you to start a sign language club at school?

One of the biggest reasons why I made it was because there was just a lack of the education of ASL and the deaf community in high school communities … and I want to make it more accessible. I wanted to start a club at the high school because I wanted to spread awareness and inform people on how to learn ASL. I have already been asked a lot about what is the sign for certain words, and I wanted it to be accessible and accurate on the high school level, since ASL classes are usually only offered at the college level.
What other activities are you a part of?
I am a part of the Titan Band as the bass clarinet, currently in the concert band. I also am a part of the Titan Guard, performing in Fall Marching Band and in the
Winter Guard.

What process did you have to go through to get your new club approved?
I had to ask Mrs. [Rebecca] Spellman to know where to start, and I then made a poster for the club. It then had to go through a series of approvals, before we could post the poster around the school. (We had to move the date several times.) I just helped design the club, and I will be leading the club.
What is your vision for the club? What do you hope it accomplishes?
I wish to teach more about ASL in a more formal way, and outside of class time. I also would love to spread more awareness about the deaf community, since the education about them is lacking in the normal school education program. So being able to explore this part of history would be fantastic to share to the Titan high school.
What is your vision for your own future? What do you want to do after high school?
I am not yet sure of what I want to do post-high school. I am thinking of a career path that most likely has apprenticeship, like a trade job, such as welding or stuff like that. But for now, I’m just doing the classes I enjoy doing.