Student speech rights are facing erasure at a Nebraska high school as a result of an authoritative decision to shut down student publications due to discomfort over LGBTQ issues. The Viking Saga, Grand...
Hii!! My name is Iliana, and I'm a Junior in PLHS this year! This is my first year on the Magazine staff, and I'm excited for the opportunity to flex my creative muscles. I'm not involved in a lot of clubs,...
Hello! I'm Brody Carter and this is my second year on the magazine staff and first year the the Sports Editor. I am currently in PLV Media. I am the play-by-play announcer for PLV Media, I announce the...
Hi, I'm Jackie Trout and this is my second year on the Titan Legacy staff. I play soccer and I'm in the Titan marching band. I'm looking forward to working with my fellow staff members to achieve a successful...