Student speech rights are facing erasure at a Nebraska high school as a result of an authoritative decision to shut down student publications due to discomfort over LGBTQ issues. The Viking Saga, Grand...
Hi, I'm Kenna Hixson and this is my first year on the Titan Legacy staff! I am a part of Titan soccer and golf and I enjoy time at the soccer fields, hanging with friends, and listening to music. I am...
Howdy, I'm Caitlyn! I'm a senior, this is my third year on staff and second year as Editor-in-Chief. I can't wait to see all that is produced during my last year and I will do all that I can to make sure...
Hi! I'm a senior here at South and I'm excited to be in my second year of working the web and magazine. I'm a big fan of gaming, books, and movies and can't wait to write about new stuff on the entertainment...