No matter your love for the holidays, the winter season can be a difficult time. Amid the family and holiday expectations and cruel Nebraskan weather, it can be hard to stay afloat. But despite the numerous...
Hi, I'm Jackie Trout and this is my second year on the Titan Legacy staff. I play soccer and I'm in the Titan marching band. I'm looking forward to working with my fellow staff members to achieve a successful...
Howdy, I'm Caitlyn! I'm a senior, this is my third year on staff and second year as Editor-in-Chief. I can't wait to see all that is produced during my last year and I will do all that I can to make sure...
Hii!! My name is Iliana, and I'm a Junior in PLHS this year! This is my first year on the Magazine staff, and I'm excited for the opportunity to flex my creative muscles. I'm not involved in a lot of clubs,...