PURPOSE: Students come to culinary club to cook/ bake and eat their creations. We meet together, collaborate with new people, follow recipes, and make dishes. Our club's main purpose is to learn how to make different dishes and enjoy food with our peers.
BENEFIT: Culinary skill growth, teamwork, leadership opportunities, networking, understanding how to read a recipe, food knowledge for general members. Club leaders learn how to create recipes, research dishes, create presentation, educate a group about culinary tips and techniques (public speaking), and organize a google drive. Leaders are responsible for getting the club ready to cook. They meet with me and learn how to lead the club.
SPONSOR: Jennifer Dunn
STUDENT LEADERS: President, Vice President, Secretary will be chosen in November
FEES: The club is free.
REGULAR MEETING TIMES: Tuesdays once or twice a month. Leadership members meet once or twice a month for a separate leadership meeting on top of the general club meetings.
REQUIREMENTS: Students show up and participate. Meeting will always be on a Tuesday within the month. Club leaders have to give a speech and be elected by the club members during our elections. Club leaders should be present at all culinary club meetings. Students need to come to meetings to be considered members. Coming once does not make a student a member. Come to our club meetings, cook, and clean before you leave.
EVENTS: Culinary club members learn about the food courses available at Papillion La Vista South High and are encouraged to take the courses to learn more about food. We have yet to have a "Big Event." Pro Start Culinary Arts participates in Culinary Competition. General culinary club members do not have a current competition.
ADDITIONAL INFO: No courses required. Being in a Nutrition and Foods or Culinary Pro Start course would be beneficial. Sponsor wants students to come and be willing to learn. Understand that cleaning is part of the cooking process and students have to participate in both.