Starting this year, Papio South and other Omaha metro area high schools have introduced a Good Standing Policy that sets requirements to attend school dances. According to the Papillion La Vista South High School 2023-2024 Student Handbook, to buy a Homecoming or Prom ticket, “The student must be passing at least four classes, be absent (excluding doctor’s notes, excused absences and school activities) less than 10% of the school days at the time of the dance, pay all fees/fines, and have fewer than 10 total tardies for the semester in which the dance occurs.”
While the intent of this policy is to set a standard of accountability and to encourage academic participation, consequences are already established in other policies to address the conditions it covers. For example, tardiness and absences are dealt with by detentions, Night School, ISS and eventually removal from class.
Grades are already under pressure from parents, college admissions and comparison with peers, which can have a significant impact on mental health. While passing four classes seems like a low standard, Homecoming is early in the school year. Most classes have only had one or two tests at this point, so it’s very possible that a student with two free periods could have failed just two of those tests and been unable to attend Homecoming as a result.
For students who don’t enjoy academics, activities like Homecoming and Prom can provide motivation to be involved. By making everyone, regardless of academic status, feel welcome at school social events, the school would provide unity in the student community and a reason to enjoy school that might one day translate into better academic performance.
In academic matters, the school should continue to focus on helping students overcome challenges, and it does offer resources for struggling students, but the staff of Titan Legacy feels that taking away traditions like Homecoming and Prom is a step in the wrong direction.
-Titan Legacy Staff