Standout Seniors

Titan Legacy asked Papio South teachers to nominate seniors who they believe have stood out amongst their peers during their high school career. These 10 individuals were chosen as the outstanding seniors for class of 2023.

Caiden Fredrick

INVOLVEMENT: “Since freshman year I have been in marching band, powerlifting, show choir, football, and track and field.” 

REGRETS: “If I were to go back I would learn to appreciate things more deeply and just live in the moment. Time passes faster than you think.” 

SENIOR MOMENTS: “I will remember all the relationships that I built this year. I got so close with so many people this year. I really came out of my shell this year and made many friends in every grade.”

POST-GRADUATION: “Next year I will attend South Dakota State University and get my degree in Criminology with hopes for a career as a K-9 unit officer. I will also be doing track and field in college.” 

10-YEAR PLAN: “In 10 years from I hope to have started my career successfully and also have a family.” 

Chloé Brady

INVOLVEMENT: “Across my four years on the Varsity Swim Team, I’ve focused on fitness, fun, and friendship. I’ve sought out development opportunities through National Honor Society (Treasurer), HOSA (Vice-President), and DECA. I have also enjoyed being a Titan Ambassador, Junior Class Officer, volunteering at various charitable organizations, and interning at Legal Aid of Nebraska for a summer. I have also continued to be open to new perspectives, people, and possibilities by traveling throughout the country, checking off over 40 US states so far!”

REGRETS: “I would join clubs sooner, and look for additional clubs to meet other new people. I’d also try a range of sports for different experiences.”  

SENIOR MOMENTS: “I’ll remember cementing wonderful friendships. I’ll also remember my fun and successful swim season, where I enjoyed having teammates from both high schools, dropping time in my favorite events, and making State.” 

POST-GRADUATION: “I’ll be attending Florida State University to gain a Chemical Engineering Degree. My first year of college will be studying abroad at FSU Valencia, in Spain!”

10-YEAR PLAN: “In 2033, I’ll be living life to the fullest! I hope to be enjoying a challenging and rewarding career as a Chemical Engineer, while also continuing to travel to foreign countries across the globe.”

Halle Settles

INVOLVEMENT: “I am or was involved in Varsity Choir, Hope Squad, National Honor Society, HOSA, MESA, Leadership Academy, Health Systems Academy, Circle of Friends, Unified Sports, President of Student Council, member of Titanium Show Choir,  Titan Ambassadors, and student manager for the Girls Soccer Team.” 

REGRETS: “If I could go back to freshmen year, I would go back and stress less and enjoy everything around me.  Yes I loved being involved and making a impact on the school, but sometimes I think I lost sight of who I was through this process because of how stressed I was. In the moments that I was stressed I wish I could have taken a step back and just soaked it all in. I would continue to build relationships and focus on the present and not as much about the future. I thought I had a good balance to it all but I think in those moments I really took everything for granted. I would go back and make sure I stopped and just let myself live in  the moments that high school provided me with. It really does go by so quick and it makes me sad to look back on it all and think that is almost over but it also makes me happy knowing that I’m starting a new journey in college. It also makes me happy knowing I’m leaving such an amazing place that gave me so many memories. Once a Titan always a Titan.”

SENIOR MOMENTS: “I will remember all the fun social events including being in the Black Hole, show choir, and just little senior events along the way. I loved being in the student section as a freshman, sophomore and junior, but there is just something special about being in the Black Hole as a senior, you cherish it more and remember it more. I will also remember senior night for show choir, knowing that it is your last time performing at Papio South and getting to perform next to your best friends is such a surreal feeling. Senior Sunrise and homecoming also are so special for seniors. It’s our last homecoming so you really try to make the most of it. Senior Sunrise/Sunset is a very full circle moment because at the end of the year you are actually starting to experience the ‘lasts’ and it kind of just makes everything feel real. It really is true what they say about senior year being the best year.”

POST-GRADUATION: “I will be attending UNL where I will be in the honors program majoring in Pre-Health with a minor in leadership and communications. GBR!!” 

10-YEAR PLAN: “In 10 years I am hoping to be in my 2nd year of residency, already having completed med school to become an OBGYN. I hope to have a family, friends and a successful career. And most importantly to be happy and enjoying life to the fullest.”

Logan Bressman

INVOLVEMENT: “Show choir, MESA, Senior Class Vice-President, and NHS.”

REGRETS: “If I could go back, I’d pursue more real, lasting friendships by getting to know people. All the achievements and awards and recognition is great, but none of it means anything when I’m accomplishing all of these things on my own. I wish I had taken more time to find a team I could be a part of that would echo and share my goals.”

SENIOR MOMENTS: “I’ll remember the lack of fun. Honestly, this year was just a lot of work. Everyone I know seems to talk about what a great time senior year was— I feel like it was a year of stressing about college decisions and keeping up regular school engagement while also attempting to “go out on top” when it comes to activities. By the time all of those stressors are starting to disappear, the year is essentially over. I’ll remember the difficult times a lot more than I will the glimmers of positive, unfortunately. I also think that’s okay, though. A tough final year doesn’t spoil 4 years worth of hard work and achievement.”

POST-GRADUATION: “My plans are still fairly undecided. I plan to attend a 4-year university to study commercial music production/music business. I’m between a couple of schools at the moment, and I wish some of them would give me some more money to attend. After graduating, I’d become a producer that handles the copyright, licensing, etc. in the music world.”

10-YEAR PLAN: “I’ll be learning. I’ll be married to the love of my life and be about to the point of having children (if I don’t have some already). I’ll be succeeding in my career and standing out for being me. I’ll look like I’ve got it all figured out, but that won’t remotely be the case. I’ll be learning. I’ll be learning how to be a great husband, and the best father, and a competent leader. I’ll be learning a lot, and I can’t wait to start.”

Max Fiser

INVOLVEMENT: “I was involved in Football, Baseball, Cross Country, Track and Field, and Powerlifting.”

REGRETS: “If I could go back to my freshman year, I would try harder to stay accountable during the quarantine. I feel like quarantine was a prime breeding ground for bad habits such as procrastination and not doing my best work, both of which were hard habits to break.” 

SENIOR MOMENTS: “There are a few things. This was my first season throwing in track and field, and I had an amazing time with all these great people. I will remember all of powerlifting season, it’s filled with my favorite people and I get to do my favorite stuff. I will remember all the underclassmen I made friends with and got to watch develop and improve over the past few years. I will also remember all of my friends who will be graduating with me.” 

POST-GRADUATION: “I’m going to attend Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa to compete in Baseball and eSports (Rocket League). I will also be knocking out my few remaining gen-eds and then deciding on a major.”

10-YEAR PLAN: “In 10 years, I will be living life and hopefully starting my own family. I don’t know the specifics because there’s so much I feel capable of doing, and I don’t know what to choose.”

Olivia Broderson

INVOLVEMENT: “Volleyball, Powerlifting, Track, FCA, NHS, HOSA”

REGRETS: “I would tell myself to try new things, I was very shy and didn’t like to get out of my comfort zone. Getting out and trying things led me to meet more people.”

SENIOR MOMENTS: “I will remember winning state volleyball, and winning state powerlifting. Both were such great experiences with great people and I will always have a special place in my heart for them.”

POST-GRADUATION: “I will attend the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and study Communication Sciences and Disorders. I will be involved in powerlifting at the University.”

10-YEAR PLAN: “I will have my own Audiology practice and hopefully a family or at least a dog.”

Paul Vu

INVOLVEMENT: “The clubs I was involved in throughout school were Math Club, DECA, Game Club, Upward Bound, Spanish Club and Key Club.”

REGRETS: “If I were to go back, I would be more involved in school activities. Throughout my school career, I realize how important it is to be a part of clubs because It helps you make new friends and lets you learn new skills.”

SENIOR MOMENTS: “I always remember the friends I have made because without them, I would have not become the person I am today.”

POST-GRADUATION: “My goal is to attend UNO after High School. My intended major will be computer science.”

10-YEAR PLAN: “Honestly I am not sure but, I hope I will be working in my dream job.”

Sienna Balwanz

INVOLVEMENT: “SkillsUSA and Volleyball.”

REGRETS: “I would take more time to appreciate the little things, especially the time before COVID hit.”  

SENIOR MOMENTS: “I will always remember the amazing friends I made and the honor of being a SkillsUSA officer.” 

POST-GRADUATION: “I plan to attend Wayne State College for a degree in Engineering Technology, with a minor in environmental studies.”

10-YEAR PLAN: “I hope to be living on a few acres with a job in the clean energy field and a family.” 


Stella Adeyemi

INVOLVEMENT: “I was part of Premier Nebraska volleyball club, NHS, and the volleyball team.” 

REGRETS: “I think I wouldn’t be so careful with every little thing because you realize that it’s not as serious as you think, and at the end of the day it’s really about working hard, being happy, and having fun.” 

SENIOR MOMENTS: “I’ll remember being on Homecoming court and dressing up as the Princess and the Frog and when all the little kids thought that I was the actual Tiana from Princess and the Frog. It was crazy because I was trying to tell them all that I was in fact not Tiana, but they wouldn’t listen to me.” 

POST-GRADUATION: “To attend the University of Hawaii to play volleyball.” 

10-YEAR PLAN: “It’s hard to think that far because I always ask myself where I’ll be in 3 years or 5 years. In 10 years I don’t know where I’ll be, but I want to be somewhere nice. Maybe I’ll start a business and become a boss lady.”


Trenton Andringa

INVOLVEMENT: “Baseball, tennis, FCA, DECA, Leadership Academy, Black Hole Leader.”

REGRETS: “I would not be as scared to reach out to new people. Upperclassmen aren’t as scary as they look and now I’m really good friends with some of them.”

SENIOR MOMENTS: “I will remember being an involved member of our Black Hole and watching our volleyball team win the state championship. The ESPN tournament that we hosted was the most fun event I had been to.”

POST-GRADUATION: “I will be attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to major in business finance.”

10-YEAR PLAN: “I hope to be starting a family soon and have a job that can support us. I look forward to seeing where I will be in life and how I can make a lasting impact on those around me. Hopefully, I will have some good stories to reminisce on at the reunion.”